18 Sept 2012

I've become a 'Twent-ager'


Where did the last 9 months go?  September, days away from yet another Birthday and I feel like I have nothing to show for the months passed.  It seems like only last week I was starting my first year at Uni and looking forward to a whole new experience.  Now I'm an unemployed Graduate who had to move back into my parents house at the beginning of the year.

I'm still here nine months in.  I must admit though, as much as I love my parents (most of the time) I can't wait to get the hell outta here!  Yes I have the perks of being brought a cup of coffee in the morning by my mum, and I don't have to pay rent.... but it's strange how much a twenysomething can regress ten years to the grumpy teenager who didn't leave the bedroom apart for dinner and to walk out of the front door!

While I am here at my parents leisure, I have become quite the stroppy little madame again.  I was not the most well behaved teen over a decade ago, bunking school, skipping meals and hanging out with friends all hours of the night.  So now how am acting??  I'm 'bunking' work in the sense that I have none, I skip meals because I don't like my Dad's cooking (there's only so many dry pork chops one can manage in ones life time) and I hang out with my friends all hours of the night though this time it's at their flats or a pub.  Yep.  Kevin the teenager has nothing on me.

I visited a friend's new flat a few nights back.  It isn't in the most desirable area of London, he has some very loud people living above him, and the kitchen is teeny, but it's his.  Like me, this friend was living back at home after falling on hard times, arguing with parents, skipping meals and staying out all night just to get away from twentysomething teenage angst.  Now he can come home from work, kick off his smelly work boots and chill on his own sofa, no parents telling him to move his boots, or clean his room, or make dinner as it's "Your turn to cook tonight....."

As I looked around his little flat; the bright blue paint job in the hallway, the fluorescent strip light in the kitchen, even the residential spider in the bathroom - I was jealous.  And as we sat on the sofas watching TV, I told myself that I need to get off my arse, stop being a 'twent-ager' and get myself a job and a flat that I can call my own, with my own stuff, my own mess and no one to tell me to do the washing up!

Living with my parents isn't all bad though.  And I do love the fact that most of my meals are wholesome (I haven't eaten 12p noodles since living here!!) my bed is always warm (the heating at my student house was rubbish) and I can get a mum hug on demand.  But life is short, I'm almost another year closer to being a thirtysomething, and it's time this little bird spread her damn wings and flew the nest!!  GOODBYE KEVIN!!