27 Mar 2012

Dr Martens sale!!!

The queue just after 10am - I'm standing somewhere behind the girl in the red jacket's group1
So this weekend just passed - Saturday 24th March myself, my boyfriend and hundreds of other people queued outside the Truman Brewery in London's fashionable Brick Lane awaiting the opening of the Dr Martens warehouse sale.  All shoes and boots for £25 each... no wonder the queue was so long!!

I planned on getting to the venue as early as possible, which didn't quite happen.  Still, after stopping for a coffee and travelling the short journey on the train to Shoreditch, we arrived to take our place in the queue, not too far from the doors.  About 20 minutes after we had arrived, the queue had tripled in size with chatter and smoke, the smell of breakfast baps and the occasional tourist stopping to snap a picture of the never ending line of stylish shoppers.

Inside the sale venue shortly after it opened.

The moment I got through the doors, I ran up the stairs to be greeted by a maze of brown boxes stacked neatly in groups of sizes.  I later found out that these neat stacks descended into a state of cardboard chaos! 

After tracking down the size 5's I got the boyfriend to look through boxes for me to hunt down some styles I might like -he's a good boy and knows his fashion so I trust him to pick out something great!  Box after box hunting for styles I wanted.  We actually both picked up the same red suede pair of shoes which made us laugh - he knows me too well!

Then I spotted them.  The white 3 hole shoes with grey flower tapestry that I'd lusted after since their release last year.  I went for the box and wrapped my arms tight round it to ensure no one could wrangle them away fro me.  I looked down at the label grinning, only to find they were a size 4... disaster!!!  So I try them on.  For £25 I can put up with slightly tighter Doc's.  Still, if they really didn't fit then I wasn't about to cripple my feet for love nor money!  I slipped my slightly bigger foot into the left shoe expecting to feel it pushing against the leather and making me howl with pain... nothing.  YES!!!!!!  

So I bought them.

I am definitely doing one of these sales again!
My beautiful new, slightly small 3 hole patterned shoes!
And the red suede shoes with iconic yellow stitching!

21 Mar 2012

The hair.

 Today I re-bleached my roots.  They were at least an inch long and my usual dusty pink ends were looking a bit crap.  So I put on my gloves, separated my hair and attacked with the powdered bleach mixture...

After leaving for the instructed amount of time, and washing the remaining dye from my hair, I towel dried and looked in the mirror to be greeted by a blond/peach/pink head of hair! 

"OMG" I thought, "I'm gonna have to wear a scarf until I can dye it pink again"... 

But now I'm used to my new in between colouring colour and quite enjoying looking like something riddled with E-numbers!!

And as for the new 'do... well the quiff/mohawk was originally coiffed by a friend of mine who is a trained and particularly good, professional hair stylist from a top London salon.

But my sides were getting a bit unruly so I got my mum to shave them off for me!

Hahaha! Free maintenance!

I am totally loving the new colours and shapes I'm experimenting with this year though. This time peach - next time blue....?

8 Mar 2012

Sun = Fun!

Just a little update as I don't have loads to write about at the moment...

So here are some pics I found from the London, New York and Paris Fashion Week's.

I am loving a bit of swishy skirt action at the moment and cant wait for the weather to warm up some more so I can go all out and stop wearing everything with thick black tights!  Looking forward to rocking a sheer skirt, with boots or wedges, plimsolls or sandals, and an awesome little printed t-shirt hanging loose and piled high with jewellery! 

Print me up buttercup!  Most of my wardrobe is covered in some print or another and that's the way I like it!  Why wear plain old clothes that go with everything?  I'm gonna wear it all at once and clash it up... but only in a way that looks good mind.  I'm not some crazy old lady after all.....

I also cant wait to start injecting some bright colours into my wardrobe again - shoes, socks, bags, tees, dresses, jeans and even my hair - bring it on!! Sunshine = colour!  

So girls, when the sun comes out and the heat starts to warm our pasty skin, don't forget the colour and remember SUN = FUN!