21 Mar 2012

The hair.

 Today I re-bleached my roots.  They were at least an inch long and my usual dusty pink ends were looking a bit crap.  So I put on my gloves, separated my hair and attacked with the powdered bleach mixture...

After leaving for the instructed amount of time, and washing the remaining dye from my hair, I towel dried and looked in the mirror to be greeted by a blond/peach/pink head of hair! 

"OMG" I thought, "I'm gonna have to wear a scarf until I can dye it pink again"... 

But now I'm used to my new in between colouring colour and quite enjoying looking like something riddled with E-numbers!!

And as for the new 'do... well the quiff/mohawk was originally coiffed by a friend of mine who is a trained and particularly good, professional hair stylist from a top London salon.

But my sides were getting a bit unruly so I got my mum to shave them off for me!

Hahaha! Free maintenance!

I am totally loving the new colours and shapes I'm experimenting with this year though. This time peach - next time blue....?

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