30 Apr 2012

The progress of a painting.

Last week I felt like painting.  I usually paint self portraits as I know the model will always be available...  This time was no different, although I did rack my brains trying to come up with some inspiration for the painting that would not involve my face as it gets very boring.

Unfortunately I am not good at abstract, landscapes bore me and no one else was around for an impromptu photo shoot.  So I did what I usually do when I'm bored and set up a mirror to practise from.

So follows a few photographs I took as the painting progressed.  At first the image was just going to be outlined then 'coloured in' with the usual flesh tones, but it ended up being the sepia painting you see below.  A bit different for me but I like it and didn't want to ruin it by trying to hard.

The first step after roughly colouring the canvas was to study the reflection in the mirror - not easy.

After I sketched out with my brush in a light colour I added some darker tones on top using a wet on wet technique.

This is when I realised I liked the painting as it was just using the tonal browns. 

A few darker sploges of paint and some definition later - the finished piece.  Not much like my usual stuff but I like it.

The set up of how I painted from the mirror (in my hideous hoodie that I wear for painting...)

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