11 Jun 2012

Fuzzy slideshow memory.

I just noticed I hadn't updated my little blog recently.  So when my mouse hovered over the 'New Post' button I wondered "But what will I write about?!".

I always tend to think that my life at the moment is not really very interesting, therefore why would anyone want to read my ramblings?  That's why I have recently taken to just blogging photos and images I like as it doesn't take too long to produce.  Anyway - who actually reads these things?  It's all about the pictures isn't it??

But as my mind desperately fought for a subject to blog about today, my awesome photographic memory flashed up all the things I have done over the last few weeks.  

Like a fuzzy slide show these images popped up in all their grainy glory reminding me that actually, my last few weeks haven't been boring at all!!

My mortal enemy - the Body con dress!! But I overcame my fear by trying on this beauty in Miss Selfridge.

The pole that resides in my friends kitchen - we had a girls night in with pizza, wine and pole dancing!
Then I customised my hair again but it went yellow! 
I decided to customise some clothing.

I've been out with friends....
And woken up with cuts and bruises (arm is from blood tests...)

Along with these things, I've been job hunting every day so I can escape my parents house and move out, painting pictures (see older posts), watching films I've never seen (Mad Max anyone..?), let go of then welcomed back my boyfriend as he hitch-hiked around Greece for 10 days, and acquired myself some wall space at an art exhibition near by!!  Please see link below if you are interested and in the country... :D


I've seen friends, caught up with family and enjoyed the small amount of sunshine we get here in rainy old England.  And what all this has taught me is that even when it seems like life is dealing me a shit hand of luck not having a job or much money, there are always things that have me laugh and smile that don't cost anything.  Trying on expensive clothes just for a laugh, customising old clothes so you won't buy said expensive new ones and having nights in with a pole... this new post has made me realise that not everything is as boring as I first thought.

It's time to take stock of the good things in life! x

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