31 Dec 2011

Putting myself out there...

Ok, so this is my first blog being sent out into the void of the web like a small pebble being cast into the vast ocean.... That was a bit arty farty for me actually. 

This is all part of a new years resolution I've given myself.  I have been inspired by friends blogs and others including fashion, art and photography.  And that's what this will be. Kind of.  I don't plan on being the next 'It' fashion blogger and be invited to London Fashion Week next September, nor do I expect anyone to really pay any attention to what I have to say.  But, if that girl (or boy) who has something in common with me, likes my photo's or just finds what I write amusing then I will have achieved my goal of putting myself out there.

A short introduction:

I am in my mid twenties, female and have a hard time putting what's on my mind onto paper.  Just as well I'm starting a blog and not writing a book then.

I chose to call my blog 'Skin is just the Beginning' to make some round-about way of telling you what I like without you actually knowing straight away... that's what you do in blogs isn't it?  
Basically - I live in London, dye my hair, get tattooed, love fashion (but don't follow it), shop too much, smoke roll ups, drink beer, have a passion for Doctor Martins, fancy guys with long hair and/or a good moustache, eat pizza, paint portraits, take photo's of stuff, and have been described by my old uni tutors as a narcissist.  Oh and I'd rather live the rest of my life without chocolate than without red lipstick!!!

So expect to read some rantings and see things that inspire me, whether that is an outfit I am particularly proud of creating, a painting I have done, some photography or some random crap I find amusing from the rest of that vast ocean called the internet.  Hope you enjoy and keep following, even if it's to laugh at my ramblings!

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