8 Jan 2012

The fake debate

I've just had a raging debate on Facebook about fake tan and now I'm in a mood.

It started with me seeing a simple comment reading "Its beyond me why some people don't fake tan" with comments below like "Pale skin is bad skin" and others.  Now I'm not usually one to jump into someone else's conversations and get bitchy but I just couldn't help myself.  Bad I know.  I just cant stand the way that they were saying nasty things about being pale and how revolting it is.  It may seem a bit trivial to be getting so irate about it but that's me.

I don't like the tanned look, and yes I have poked fun at those girls who smother themselves in thick gloopy paste in order to feel good.  But I'm never nasty.  I have used fake tan in the past but found that it didn't suit my complexion and made me look unnaturally 'woody'.  But neither do I like veiny blotchy legs... It's a difficult one to gage.  The best thing I found are those moisturisers with a hint of fake tan... no yucky streaks, no warm biscuit smell and no unnatural colour.  And I'd only use it on my legs during the summer.

I like being pale.  When I commented on said status update that being pale is not a bad thing, I was met with "Hmmm if you like that kind of thing" and "People who are pale look ill".  I thought I'd stand up for myself, as a pale person, but just kept getting shot down.  It was a fight I couldn't win.

What is the nation's fascination with being tanned?  We are not a hot and sunny country here in Blighty.  The hottest it gets is barely enough to give you a rosy cheek yet alone the sort of 'tan' I see walking around.  I understand that us girls have our issues and do things to make us feel better.  I get tattoos and express myself through clothes.  It's the 'fake' obsession the female population have adopted over the last decade that really gets me though.  The girls that slap on the make-up so thick you can hardly see their facial expressions are the worst.  I use eye lashes on occasion to enhance a look but I'd never use them on a daily basis - think of what all that glue does your delicate eye lids?

It's a shame that so many young women feel the need to look like everybody else in order to feel confident or beautiful.  It's all a stereotype, a mould that girls feel they should fit in to, to fit in.  But what is beauty?  In the eye of the beholder apparently and each person has their ideals.  I'm not going to write about how anyone who doesn't share my ideal is wrong, ugly or any other demeaning comment.  What I will write though is this...  If you don't like the way certain people look, please do not gang up on a public site and be a bitch.  It's not nice and it makes people feel bad about themselves.

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