21 Feb 2012

The cool kids.


This is what I imagine all the lovies at London Fashion Week's catwalk shows saying to each other as they sashay to their seats in the front rows.  I can just imagine it - Anna Wintour sitting next to Karl Lagerfeld, shades on, whispering their likes and dislikes to each other as tall alien like models strut past.

But for me, the real fashionistas and trend setters arent the magazine editors and designers but the real girl on the street who gets snapped wearing a kooky cool outfit.  There are soooooo many street style blogs to trawl through on the web these days, and all the ones I've looked at are very similar and harp on about those designers and 'hot new trends'.  What about a blog that just shows guys and girls with epic amounts of attitude and a wardrobe of clothes that match? 

Here are some I found online that I think are purely just... cool.  I dont care if these people are trendy or in fashion, I just like what they're wearing.  I also find looking at these cool kids influences my own style.  Pick and mix, chop and change, but most of all have fun with what you wear.

7 Feb 2012

I want the travel bug...

Since there hasn't been a lot for me to do recently apart from wake up and job hunt, the blogging has got a little slow.  But here's what I've been thinking lately;


A friend of mine is leaving for Canada for a year, and I must say that I am insanely jealous and wish I had the money to just pack it all in here and go with him for as long as possible.  I'm bored of England and all it's bloody minded politics and issues.  Living with my parentals is slowly making me turn back into a teenager, much to their annoyence, and I'm on the dole.

If I had savings, I'd pack up a suitcase, get a temporary work visa and kiss my family goodbye. 

It's not just Canada I'd like to visit either.  There are so many places I want to travel to and stay in.  I have never travelled much as the traditional annual family holiday wasn't something my Dad ever wanted to do.  I have been to the 'usual' destinations such as Paris (school and college), Amsterdam (uni trip, muchos fun), my uncles weird village up a mountain in Germany (no pub, lots of snow and a dog that farted constantly!), Blegium and Ireland.  Oh and a holiday to Turkey with a total git of an ex where I flirted with the waiter who couldn't speak English... apart from a crush and a great tan, the memories from that holiday are better off forgotten. 

So I want to make some new memories, bring back photo's and trinkets from all the places I visit and live some life.  The only problem with this is the usual concept of travelling is that same old 'gap year' experience, trekking around with a back pack and hairy armpits is not for me!  I want a toilet that I want to sit on, a shower that doesn't consist of cold water from a bucket, and food that won't give me the shits when I could be having fun.

My friend has the right idea.  He's a hair stylist so can get a job almost anywhere in the world.  That's the kind of thing I want to be able to do... my current situation of being a bum isnt going to get me off this bed and onto a plane anytime soon. 

So to my readers and foreign friends out there - if you have a bed or a sofa I can borrow for a cheaper way to holiday, please let me know and maybe I'll see you on my travels!!

2 Feb 2012

Are women with tattoos classy? Or should they just go get their nails done...?

This is something a friend posted on my Facebook wall with "Sorry if this makes you have a mad rant" written above it.  As a tattooed woman and proud of it, I completely disagree with what this narrow minded sexist woman had to say about body art and those who have it... I DO NOT agree with any of her opinions.  Here it is:

Article by Lisa Khoury from The Spectrum, the independent publication for the University of Buffalo.

I get it. It’s the 21st century. You’re cool, you’re rebellious, you’re cutting edge, you have a point to prove, and you’re a woman. Awesome.
Ladies, I know you’re at least at the legal age of making your own decisions, but before you decide to get a tattoo, allow me to let you in on a little secret. A secret you may have not fully realized yet thus far in your life. What you must understand is, as women, we are – naturally – beautiful creatures.
Seriously, though. Your body literally has the ability to turn heads. Guys drool over us. We hold some serious power in our hands, because – as corny as this sounds – we hold the world’s beauty.
But something girls seem to forget nowadays, or maybe have not been taught, is that women hold the world’s class and elegance in their hands, as well. So what’s more attractive than a girl with a nice body? I’ll tell you what: a girl with class. Looks may not last, but class does. And so do tattoos.
An elegant woman does not vandalize the temple she has been blessed with as her body. She appreciates it. She flaunts it. She’s not happy with it? She goes to the gym. She dresses it up in lavish, fun, trendy clothes, enjoying trips to the mall with her girlfriends. She accentuates her legs with high heels. She gets her nails done. She enjoys the finer things in life, all with the body she was blessed with.
But marking it up with ink? That’s just not necessary.
I’m not here to say a girl should walk around flaunting her body like it’s her job – that’s just degrading. Instead of getting a tattoo, a more productive use of your time would be improving and appreciating the body you have been given, not permanently engraving it.
Can you get meaning out of a tattoo? Arguably. If you want to insert ink into your skin as a symbol for something greater than yourself, then maybe you are proving a point to yourself or the rest of the world.
But at the end of the day, are you really a happier person? Has this tattoo, for instance, caused you to learn something new about yourself? Has it challenged you? Has it led you to self-growth? Nothing comes out of getting a tattoo. You get a tattoo, and that’s it. You do something productive, though, and you see results. That’s a genuine, satisfying change in life. Not ink.
Invest your time, money, and effort into a gym membership, or yoga classes, or new clothes, or experimenting with different hairstyles if you’re craving something new with your body, not a tattoo.
I promise, it will be a much more rewarding experience, and you won’t find yourself in a rut when your future grandkids ask you what’s up with the angel wings on your upper back as you’re in the middle of giving them a life lesson on the importance of values and morals.
God knows the last thing this world needs is another generation of kids questioning their basic values and morals.

If you are a follower of my blog, you either know me, or have similar opinions as me.  I hope this angered you as much as it did me.  If you agree with her... please leave right away.  Thank you my beauties x