7 Feb 2012

I want the travel bug...

Since there hasn't been a lot for me to do recently apart from wake up and job hunt, the blogging has got a little slow.  But here's what I've been thinking lately;


A friend of mine is leaving for Canada for a year, and I must say that I am insanely jealous and wish I had the money to just pack it all in here and go with him for as long as possible.  I'm bored of England and all it's bloody minded politics and issues.  Living with my parentals is slowly making me turn back into a teenager, much to their annoyence, and I'm on the dole.

If I had savings, I'd pack up a suitcase, get a temporary work visa and kiss my family goodbye. 

It's not just Canada I'd like to visit either.  There are so many places I want to travel to and stay in.  I have never travelled much as the traditional annual family holiday wasn't something my Dad ever wanted to do.  I have been to the 'usual' destinations such as Paris (school and college), Amsterdam (uni trip, muchos fun), my uncles weird village up a mountain in Germany (no pub, lots of snow and a dog that farted constantly!), Blegium and Ireland.  Oh and a holiday to Turkey with a total git of an ex where I flirted with the waiter who couldn't speak English... apart from a crush and a great tan, the memories from that holiday are better off forgotten. 

So I want to make some new memories, bring back photo's and trinkets from all the places I visit and live some life.  The only problem with this is the usual concept of travelling is that same old 'gap year' experience, trekking around with a back pack and hairy armpits is not for me!  I want a toilet that I want to sit on, a shower that doesn't consist of cold water from a bucket, and food that won't give me the shits when I could be having fun.

My friend has the right idea.  He's a hair stylist so can get a job almost anywhere in the world.  That's the kind of thing I want to be able to do... my current situation of being a bum isnt going to get me off this bed and onto a plane anytime soon. 

So to my readers and foreign friends out there - if you have a bed or a sofa I can borrow for a cheaper way to holiday, please let me know and maybe I'll see you on my travels!!

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