8 Mar 2012

Sun = Fun!

Just a little update as I don't have loads to write about at the moment...

So here are some pics I found from the London, New York and Paris Fashion Week's.

I am loving a bit of swishy skirt action at the moment and cant wait for the weather to warm up some more so I can go all out and stop wearing everything with thick black tights!  Looking forward to rocking a sheer skirt, with boots or wedges, plimsolls or sandals, and an awesome little printed t-shirt hanging loose and piled high with jewellery! 

Print me up buttercup!  Most of my wardrobe is covered in some print or another and that's the way I like it!  Why wear plain old clothes that go with everything?  I'm gonna wear it all at once and clash it up... but only in a way that looks good mind.  I'm not some crazy old lady after all.....

I also cant wait to start injecting some bright colours into my wardrobe again - shoes, socks, bags, tees, dresses, jeans and even my hair - bring it on!! Sunshine = colour!  

So girls, when the sun comes out and the heat starts to warm our pasty skin, don't forget the colour and remember SUN = FUN!

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