27 May 2012

We're Jammin

Well, painting actually. 

After a friend of mine told me about a printed 'portrait' he had bought of Bob Marley which looked "Dead behind the eyes... no happiness or life" I decided to challenge myself by having a go at painting my own version of the legend.

As I often paint self-portraits as way of keeping on top of my technique, I felt the need to take on a different face - and skin tone as my milky white complexion gets a bit boring after the 50th attempt!

So here is the painting as it goes from initial pencil to finished product, via a slightly Bin Laden-esq look which I found rather amusing!!

After a wash of base colour I started at the eyes - the most important part of the face!

The 'Bin Laden' phase...... due to the negative space around the head looking like robes oops!

I made sure I put the colour of the hat in asap to stop Bob from looking like the terrorist :/

This is generally the moment where I start seeing all the flaws and hating the whole thing.

After the initial loathing of my creation, I applied more paint, sorted out the bits I hated and blocked in the back ground.

The finished piece.
Of course, as an artist I am never truely happy with any finished peice of art work but my firend is happy with it so that's enough for me!

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