21 Jun 2012

Royal Ascot blunders

I read an article in the Daily Mail this afternoon about the annual race day at Royal Ascot.

The photo on the front page was of a young woman who had 'escaped the fashion police' at the Royal enclosure and who had slipped past with her tattoos and nose ring as shown below.  Although the paper claims they are more interested in her choice of attire than her tattoos...

To be honest her choice of hat and dress is NOT fit for Royal Ascot... in my opinion.

To quote the Daily Mail's site:
'She was in breach of two rules – giving a glimpse of her underwear and wearing a dress not of ‘modest length’, both strictly prohibited in the prestigious enclosure.
But it was the former private schoolgirl’s nose ring and heavily tattooed arm which were more likely to provoke controversy.'

Now, as a tattooed and pierced lady myself I was more than a little pissed off at this sort of article.  Why is it that even though almost everything else these days can have a blind eye turned to it, those who choose to have tattoos are still criticised and ridiculed? 

There was another tattooed lady who proudly showed off her colourful artwork at Ascot, who was also shamefully picked upon by the media - even though she was not breaking any of the strict dress code rules in a glamorous and modestly lengthed red dress.

So while the media are too busy focusing on these women who have some nice artwork on their skin, who are brave enough to show it in this pompous affair and face the criticism... what about those women who flaunt their bodies in what can only be described as fashion fails?!

Every year we are bombarded with images in the press of women young and old who think it is OK to wear whatever the hell they like and get away with it.  Yes, so now there are more rules about what you can and cannot get away with when attending Royal Ascot - and yet some just do not get it.  
While the papers are concentrating on brandishing some tattooed lovelies as fashion targets, maybe they should keep their eyes on the real fashion victims of this affair...

The new rules of Royal Ascot:

'The revised regulations demand hats in the royal enclosure and fascinators in the grandstand.
Bottom-skimming skirts, strapless tops, halternecks and spaghetti straps are banned.
Fashion officers patrol the gates to hand out free pashminas, ties and fascinators to anyone who breaks the rules – while those who require a hat must pay a £50 cash deposit to encourage them to return it.'

These women obviously didn't take any notice... join me in a giggle!

The dresses and hats may be OK - but you should never match your tan to the tropical colours... TOO MUCH!
Bra straps and too tight dresses are a no no.

These two ladies are just bonkers!!!  But good on them for making the extra effort!
Can't imagine sitting in that crinoline was very comfy though...

These two ladies on the left are spot on with their dresses and accessories - even if their hats are a bit off the wall! 

Tea and cake anyone...?

On the right - Ascot perfection!
The Ascot 'fashion Police' on hand to give out extras to those who 'forgot'.

Obviously this one got away from them.....................................

18 Jun 2012

A new painting.

This is a new painting for an upcoming slot in an exhibition I managed to blag!

Here are the stages in which the painting was built up.

Enjoy and if you are local to London at all, please come down and see the show :D


The first step - pencil outline.

Some rough colours added to guide shading and detailing.

Starting from the eyes and working outwards.

Starting to add in smaller details now like the eyelashes.

Bit of work done on the background and shoulders.

Shading, and starting on the flowers - not my favourite part!

Antlers being painted but still having trouble with the flowers.

Added highlights and figured out how to make the flowers look nice. At last.

FINISHED! Extra little details done and signed.

Comparrisson between the original photo I took and the finished painting.

And here's that link again for you ;)


17 Jun 2012

Dare you rock the sock??

I have been inspired to write this by my young cousin who popped a photo on her Facebook page earlier today with the comment 'My new heels (not a good look with the socks!)' to which I responded 'Socks and sandals are cool!'.

Are they though??

The Dad sock.

Of course this is the image we all automatically get in our heads when socks and sandals are mentioned.  The picture of our Dad's and Grandad's with their pale legs poking out from the dreaded holey sock and ancient tan Birkenstock.

But things have changed... well let me re-phrase that.  STYLE has changed.  Many things that were once a fashion taboo have come full circle and are, in one way or another, cool again. Trendy even!

When Burberry showed their Autumn/Winter '09 collection, complete with models rocking the sock, some minds started changing.

Burberry's take on the combo.

Looking through Google images for some inspiration, many captions read 'Socks and sandals WTF?!' and 'Fashion fail'.  But in this age of standing out from the crowd and street style taking over magazines and blog sites, who says it's wrong?

Street style socks.

Walk around any city centre these days, take a scroll through a blog or flick through a magazine and you'll find plenty of inspiration to take your wardrobe from drab to fab.  And if you are the kinda girl who only follows fashion to the letter... GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  Jump off the band waggon, take a look around and start creating your own individuality...

Yes, sometimes the girl in the street wearing a vintage floral skirt with a sock and sandal combo might look like an oddball but who are we to judge?  Personally I think these girls are rocking their individuality and admire their brave attitudes to fashion.

So take a look around you when you're out.  Pick up some styling tips and don't be afraid to think outside the fashion box.  Hey, leggings were a major fashion faux-pas a few years ago - now almost every female in the country owns a pair!  

Don't diss the socks and sandals, embrace your Dad's choice of footwear (heels, NOT old Birkenstocks please...) and dare to put a good foot forward. 

And if you are still in doubt think of it this way; those new summer sandals you bought that hurt your feet?  Wear a sock with them and your slinky dress and the chance of blisters and sore feet is a thing of the past! Two birds, one stone.  A-thankyou!!

11 Jun 2012

Fuzzy slideshow memory.

I just noticed I hadn't updated my little blog recently.  So when my mouse hovered over the 'New Post' button I wondered "But what will I write about?!".

I always tend to think that my life at the moment is not really very interesting, therefore why would anyone want to read my ramblings?  That's why I have recently taken to just blogging photos and images I like as it doesn't take too long to produce.  Anyway - who actually reads these things?  It's all about the pictures isn't it??

But as my mind desperately fought for a subject to blog about today, my awesome photographic memory flashed up all the things I have done over the last few weeks.  

Like a fuzzy slide show these images popped up in all their grainy glory reminding me that actually, my last few weeks haven't been boring at all!!

My mortal enemy - the Body con dress!! But I overcame my fear by trying on this beauty in Miss Selfridge.

The pole that resides in my friends kitchen - we had a girls night in with pizza, wine and pole dancing!
Then I customised my hair again but it went yellow! 
I decided to customise some clothing.

I've been out with friends....
And woken up with cuts and bruises (arm is from blood tests...)

Along with these things, I've been job hunting every day so I can escape my parents house and move out, painting pictures (see older posts), watching films I've never seen (Mad Max anyone..?), let go of then welcomed back my boyfriend as he hitch-hiked around Greece for 10 days, and acquired myself some wall space at an art exhibition near by!!  Please see link below if you are interested and in the country... :D


I've seen friends, caught up with family and enjoyed the small amount of sunshine we get here in rainy old England.  And what all this has taught me is that even when it seems like life is dealing me a shit hand of luck not having a job or much money, there are always things that have me laugh and smile that don't cost anything.  Trying on expensive clothes just for a laugh, customising old clothes so you won't buy said expensive new ones and having nights in with a pole... this new post has made me realise that not everything is as boring as I first thought.

It's time to take stock of the good things in life! x