17 Jun 2012

Dare you rock the sock??

I have been inspired to write this by my young cousin who popped a photo on her Facebook page earlier today with the comment 'My new heels (not a good look with the socks!)' to which I responded 'Socks and sandals are cool!'.

Are they though??

The Dad sock.

Of course this is the image we all automatically get in our heads when socks and sandals are mentioned.  The picture of our Dad's and Grandad's with their pale legs poking out from the dreaded holey sock and ancient tan Birkenstock.

But things have changed... well let me re-phrase that.  STYLE has changed.  Many things that were once a fashion taboo have come full circle and are, in one way or another, cool again. Trendy even!

When Burberry showed their Autumn/Winter '09 collection, complete with models rocking the sock, some minds started changing.

Burberry's take on the combo.

Looking through Google images for some inspiration, many captions read 'Socks and sandals WTF?!' and 'Fashion fail'.  But in this age of standing out from the crowd and street style taking over magazines and blog sites, who says it's wrong?

Street style socks.

Walk around any city centre these days, take a scroll through a blog or flick through a magazine and you'll find plenty of inspiration to take your wardrobe from drab to fab.  And if you are the kinda girl who only follows fashion to the letter... GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  Jump off the band waggon, take a look around and start creating your own individuality...

Yes, sometimes the girl in the street wearing a vintage floral skirt with a sock and sandal combo might look like an oddball but who are we to judge?  Personally I think these girls are rocking their individuality and admire their brave attitudes to fashion.

So take a look around you when you're out.  Pick up some styling tips and don't be afraid to think outside the fashion box.  Hey, leggings were a major fashion faux-pas a few years ago - now almost every female in the country owns a pair!  

Don't diss the socks and sandals, embrace your Dad's choice of footwear (heels, NOT old Birkenstocks please...) and dare to put a good foot forward. 

And if you are still in doubt think of it this way; those new summer sandals you bought that hurt your feet?  Wear a sock with them and your slinky dress and the chance of blisters and sore feet is a thing of the past! Two birds, one stone.  A-thankyou!!

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