21 Jun 2012

Royal Ascot blunders

I read an article in the Daily Mail this afternoon about the annual race day at Royal Ascot.

The photo on the front page was of a young woman who had 'escaped the fashion police' at the Royal enclosure and who had slipped past with her tattoos and nose ring as shown below.  Although the paper claims they are more interested in her choice of attire than her tattoos...

To be honest her choice of hat and dress is NOT fit for Royal Ascot... in my opinion.

To quote the Daily Mail's site:
'She was in breach of two rules – giving a glimpse of her underwear and wearing a dress not of ‘modest length’, both strictly prohibited in the prestigious enclosure.
But it was the former private schoolgirl’s nose ring and heavily tattooed arm which were more likely to provoke controversy.'

Now, as a tattooed and pierced lady myself I was more than a little pissed off at this sort of article.  Why is it that even though almost everything else these days can have a blind eye turned to it, those who choose to have tattoos are still criticised and ridiculed? 

There was another tattooed lady who proudly showed off her colourful artwork at Ascot, who was also shamefully picked upon by the media - even though she was not breaking any of the strict dress code rules in a glamorous and modestly lengthed red dress.

So while the media are too busy focusing on these women who have some nice artwork on their skin, who are brave enough to show it in this pompous affair and face the criticism... what about those women who flaunt their bodies in what can only be described as fashion fails?!

Every year we are bombarded with images in the press of women young and old who think it is OK to wear whatever the hell they like and get away with it.  Yes, so now there are more rules about what you can and cannot get away with when attending Royal Ascot - and yet some just do not get it.  
While the papers are concentrating on brandishing some tattooed lovelies as fashion targets, maybe they should keep their eyes on the real fashion victims of this affair...

The new rules of Royal Ascot:

'The revised regulations demand hats in the royal enclosure and fascinators in the grandstand.
Bottom-skimming skirts, strapless tops, halternecks and spaghetti straps are banned.
Fashion officers patrol the gates to hand out free pashminas, ties and fascinators to anyone who breaks the rules – while those who require a hat must pay a £50 cash deposit to encourage them to return it.'

These women obviously didn't take any notice... join me in a giggle!

The dresses and hats may be OK - but you should never match your tan to the tropical colours... TOO MUCH!
Bra straps and too tight dresses are a no no.

These two ladies are just bonkers!!!  But good on them for making the extra effort!
Can't imagine sitting in that crinoline was very comfy though...

These two ladies on the left are spot on with their dresses and accessories - even if their hats are a bit off the wall! 

Tea and cake anyone...?

On the right - Ascot perfection!
The Ascot 'fashion Police' on hand to give out extras to those who 'forgot'.

Obviously this one got away from them.....................................

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