5 Apr 2012

Dungarees... cool or for those who drool?

The 90's - shows like this and Saved By The Bell
were full of fashion like this.

So... this should say 'ANGE EXPLAINS IT ALL'

Well, not really explains exactly, but has a go at arguing the case of the humble dungaree or overall as my American cousins would call them.

This, like many of my blog posts has been influenced by a Facebook discussion where a male friend of mine stated how much he hates this classic item of clothing. Are these some of the reasons why......?
Dexy's Midnight Runners - the 80's band that brought you the 'classic' wedding tune 'Come On Ilene'
(you know, the one your drunk uncles dance to)
Being a kid - as kid's we were made to wear things we look back on now as being cringe-worthy.
Dungarees were probably something we all had to wear at some stage in our early development
hence why we know think of as being clothing only children wear; baggy
 bums with nappies underneath and baby food down the front. Not
a great fashion memory for most.

This is me.  I loved my dungarees as a child. These were one of the earlier pairs - as you can see by the knots in the straps, they were too big for me and were probably hand-downs from my older cousins.

I wore my dungarees everywhere for as long as they fit me!

My favorite pair were dark denim with red patches and has small plastic heart shaped buttons on the clasps. I literally wore them till I was too big and old to get into them any more. I was devastated.

I had a few more pairs over the years but had my moments of feeling the same way many do about the all in one denim suit. I had a pair in college that I bought then quickly changed my mind on as they gave me a camel toe..... yuk.

Now though, I have a pair that fit me well, don't make me look like a grown baby, 80's music reject, pregnant lady or like a hooved animal has invaded my nether-regions. Fashion comes and goes and I happen to like the way the humble dungaree has managed to stick around - liked or not. I understand they are not a huge turn on for guys... but who cares about what they think eh?

I found some images of girls who - in my opinion - are rocking the denim short dungaree. Have some fun!!

Loving the Doctor Martens of course!!!

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