9 Apr 2012

Long live Ange!

Not talking about myself with that title.

No, I mean Angela Lansbury.  You know - that little old lady who sang under water on an old bed and solved murder upon murder accross America...?  

YES that one...
Well I have always thought of Ange Lans as being 'old'.  Maybe because as a young child I percieved anyone who dressed like my Nan to actually BE old!  The neck scarves and mid-length skirts along with the semi perm suggested to my young mind that she was and would always be a kind faced old lady who looked and sounded a bit like my Nanny Ruth.  

Voicing Mrs Potts in 'Beauty and The Beast' and as writer/investigator Jessica Fletcher in 'Murder She Wrote'.

 But after a rather excited chat about the Disney film 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks' a few weeks back with my boyfriend, we decided to Google search her.  Along with the expected film stills of the lady in the film bewitching a pair od shoes or conversing with a cartoon fish, we came accross these beauties showing that good old Ange wasn't always old!!
A very young Angela Lansbury shows her film star credentials in a photoshoot.

Well I think she's bloody brilliant!  She is one of our greatest stars and with such a long running career she deserves lots and lots of admiration.  So much have I researched the old photographs and movies, that I have become a bit obcessed with her!!

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