23 Apr 2012

Pass the clippers....

I decided last Friday night to shave off my hair.  Again.

After the incident with the blond hair dye that left me with a sort of 'Peach Melba' colour then dying it a dark brown for something more work appropriate, I'd just had enough.  So I found the clippers, picked a setting and shaved away.

It's not the first time I have shorn off my locks and I'm sure it won't be the last either as I find the whole experience of not having much on top quite liberating.  There's no need to style it, blow dry it, worry about the wind blowing it out of shape or it sticking to your lip gloss as soon as you've applied it...

The first time was summer 2011 and I was attempting to go from dark to blond when the dye job went terrible wrong and left me with what can only be described as 'tie-dye' hair.  So I asked my boyfriend at the time to bring round his clippers and get rid of the mess that I'd created.  It was soooooo short and blond from the dye that some friends took to calling me Eminem.  Thanks guys.

This time round, I didn't have as much to get rid of.  It was already shaved around the back and sides in a kind of Mohawk style, so I just took the top bit off!  Now I can see my natural colour too which is intriguing as I'm not entirely sure if I'll like it as my hair grows out!

Here's me and my new shaven head in a NATURAL (eeeeeek) colour!

So here are some photo's of some gorgeous women who have gone for the chop - or clip if you'd prefer.

Model Agyness Deyn

Amber Rose

Angelina Jolie in the 90's for a film role

Demi Moore for her part as GI Jane

Model Eve Savail

Actress Jaime Winstone

Natalie Portman for her role in V For Vandetta

Singer Sinead O'Connor

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