29 Jan 2012

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Well hello there lovlies!  It's been a while, I know.  Thing is, it's kinda hard to want to blog when you feel like it's all gone to shit.  But now it's onwards and upwards....

I have had a bit of a hard time recently, and hence my absence from this sea of blogging and chatting random bollocks to the void.

If you have been keeping up with this blog, you will know that I spent the holidays in Belgium and had a great time.  Alas things came to a head the day I stepped back into the family home to begin my residency as twentysomething daughter/lodger/bum.  I am jobless, depressed and broke.

To be honest though, even when I wake up feeling rough and looking like Casper the friendly ghost's paler sister, the moment I've washed and slicked on that lippy I'm about ready for the world.  Especially if I know I'm seeing my mates for a coffee and a catch up or a bottle of wine and a dance.  It's all about knowing that I'll be in good company and knowing that even at my worst my friends accept me.

I've had quite a bit of support from my friends back home in the area I grew up in.  There are those who never left, those who never will, and those who - like me - want to get out again as soon as possible and see the world (or at least a bit more of old Blighty!).  Over the last few weeks of January I have found these people and had some laughs and shared some tears.

There's that old school friend who now has a swanky job in a hair salon making all the cool kids look awesome, and who did me a favour by re-styling me last week.  A favour never goes un-returned I say.  And even though it was a samll thing for him to do, it was a big deal for me.  Not only do I now look moderatly cooler, but we had a catch up, a drink and remeniced along with another old friend from the same primary school.  All topped off by a monumental hangover the following morning...

A friend from college sorted me out with flat beers and a chinese take-out one night.  We chatted about all sorts of shit including Valentines day, photography and dating - mostly about him dating the entire young female population of Greater London.  We sat and watched crappy telly and bitched about it before trying a mix of whiskey, warm water and sugar... don't try it at home, it's rank.  This evening put me at ease and made me feel fat, which was exactly what I needed!!

My sister is also one of my closest friends.  On the day myself and my boyfriend (yes the one I went to Belgium with) dissolved our relationship, she bought me pizza and wine and we watched the Sex and the City movie on her sofa.  She's one of the only girls I'll comfortably hang out with like that.

Along with these people, there are the guys and girls who I've seen out and about who have made it all just a little easier to make that awkward transition from uni student to local girl again.  When I shyly told one of my cooler friends that I had to sign on the dole for jobseekers allowance, he told me not to be ashamed and that many people, including himself, had been on it too at some point and that it's ok to ask for help. 

So this blog entry is just to say thank you to the people mentioned, they will know who they are, and to those who have helped me.  Whether it was a hug to say hello or goodbye, giving me a cigarette, buying me a drink or paying for lunch, no favour goes un-returned, and I will make up for any short-commings I may be currently facing.  Shine on you crazy diamonds <3

15 Jan 2012

Man style

I was asked recently by a male friend of mine to do a post about mens fashion...  Now, I'm no mens fashion expert but I know the sort of thing I like to see a guy wear so that's what this post will be about! 

I know lots of blokes.  Infact most of my friends are blokes, ranging from the long haired and bearded guys, to the cool guys who wear tweed and those who have worn the same leather jacket/checked shirt combo since I've known them.  They all have their own style, it's not all just stuff they found on the floor that didn't smell.... some of my friends have real taste.

My favourite look on a guy has always centered around their confidence in what they wear and how they wear it.  A guy who has confidence to wear clothes that set him apart from all the others in a bar or on the street is the best.  There's nothing like watching a man swaggering down the street knowing he looks good in his jeans.

Foe me, it's all about standing out and that's the kind of style I like on a man too though I dont limit myself to only ever looking at guys who dress a certain way.  When I was younger it was all about whoever looked like they were in a boyband - preferably Backstreet Boys!  As I got older the look I noticed more and more was a trendy/untrendy mish mash, something that still catches my eye now.  A guy could walk past me wearing slim trousers, a patterned shirt with clashing tie, tweed suit jacket and a pair of loafers and, as long as he has that confidence, it works! 

Here's some looks I like:

13 Jan 2012

Freaky Friday 13th

It's Friday the Thirteenth.............. Woooooooooooooooo let's all be scared for our lives!

I don't understand the whole 'unlucky' thing about this day?  Well I mean, technically I understand the history of why people are scared of it, but I don't get why society is still getting freaky about this Friday.  After all, the plague is over, the 'gods' aren't getting angry and sending locusts and it's only peoples personal fears and superstitions that make them feel this day is more unlucky than all the others in the year.

When I was at school, the girls would get all in a fuss about what was going to happen to them and blame any little thing - from being late to a class to starting their period - on the fact that it was a Friday 13th.  Silly really as they'd got told off worse the day before and didn't blame that on anything other than the teacher being a bitch...

Personally I've always had more lucky experiences on Friday 13th than unlucky ones.  It's probably just me believing that, but what's wrong with wanting to believe your day will go with the good kind of bang instead of the bad?  Plus the number 13 has always been a lucky one for me rather than unlucky.  When I was eleven years old, I got chatted up in the local park by a boy who was thirteen and a dead ringer for Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys, swoon!).  I had my first kiss at thirteen.  I won some money on a scratch card one Friday 13th.  Not all big major events in my life on these 'unlucky' days but growing up I realised that this day was not all that bad.  Granted I have had better days that did not fall on a Friday 13th!

When I started getting into tattoo culture I learnt that the number 13 is held in high esteem and the most popular design for generations of tattoo collectors.  This is generally because tattoo enthusiasts are different from the 'norm', seeing the beauty and the good in things many do not including tattoos themselves which some see as multilation to the body instead of artwork.  The same that they embrace what others fear.  Heavily tattooed men are often percieved as being scary and hard, but I've met many who, after they've knocked you down in a mosh pit will stop everyone around them to pick you up and make sure your fags are rescued from the beer wet floor!  Most people in a club wouldn't do that even if they looked like they could be your mums best mate!  It's all about breaking down barriers and maybe being more optimistic about things that would usually make your knees wobble with fear... like a tattooed bald guy, a young lad in a hoody, a big dog, or just this date in the year.

Something to think about.  Today is just another day in the year... and here are the next ones!
  1. Friday, January 13th, 2012
  2. Friday, April 13th, 2012
  3. Friday, July 13th, 2012    
You make your own luck, now go be positive and have a great day!!

9 Jan 2012

Lipstick V chocolate

Lipstick wins.  End of.

Now for what I actually wanted to write...

I realised recently that I would rather go the rest of my life without eating another bite of chocolate than live without lipstick for even a year!!  Sound a bit dramatic?  Well, lipstick no matter what the shade will always make me feel better about myself.  Chocolate makes me feel sick.  Not to say I don't eat it at all, but I'm more of a savoury snack person.

Lipstick is one of those things that will make a woman feel good about herself no matter what.  It doesn't even have to be lip STICK, it could be lip gloss, balm, shine....  It's that pop of colour that makes your face feel a little less dull.  I wear it to make my face feel 'finished'.

Who wouldn't want to feel a million bucks when in real life you're more Boreham Wood than Hollywood?  If I wake up in the morning after a long hard night draining the local bar, I look and feel like a proper minger.  By the time I've showered and got a slick of lipstick on I'm ready to face the world!  There's a reason why Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe and Megan Fox sport bright red lipstick on the red carpet at premiers... it gets you noticed and makes men fall at your feet.  So even if you don't want a bunch of drooling blokes getting in your way, a little pick me up and a Marilyn-esq wiggle in your step can do wonders for your confidence in today's economic shit.  And it has done for decades...

During the Second World War, sales of red lipstick sky rocketed as women clambered to cheer themselves up.  After all, food and clothing was all rationed so what else did they have?  Certainly not chocolate.  This still happens today:

An indicator based on the theory that a consumer turns to less expensive indulgences, such as lipstick, when she (or he) feels less than confident about the future. Therefore, lipstick sales tend to increase during times of economic uncertainty or a recession.  Also known as the "lipstick effect".

It's strange that something so small and in-expensive can cheer up a nation in economic crisis.  And while lipstick might not be your thing, there are other perks that give you that same little fix that puts a smile on your face without the guilt and expense of a whole new outfit.  Keep that in mind the next time those Topshop shoes are calling you to buy them... and get a lippy instead!

8 Jan 2012

The fake debate

I've just had a raging debate on Facebook about fake tan and now I'm in a mood.

It started with me seeing a simple comment reading "Its beyond me why some people don't fake tan" with comments below like "Pale skin is bad skin" and others.  Now I'm not usually one to jump into someone else's conversations and get bitchy but I just couldn't help myself.  Bad I know.  I just cant stand the way that they were saying nasty things about being pale and how revolting it is.  It may seem a bit trivial to be getting so irate about it but that's me.

I don't like the tanned look, and yes I have poked fun at those girls who smother themselves in thick gloopy paste in order to feel good.  But I'm never nasty.  I have used fake tan in the past but found that it didn't suit my complexion and made me look unnaturally 'woody'.  But neither do I like veiny blotchy legs... It's a difficult one to gage.  The best thing I found are those moisturisers with a hint of fake tan... no yucky streaks, no warm biscuit smell and no unnatural colour.  And I'd only use it on my legs during the summer.

I like being pale.  When I commented on said status update that being pale is not a bad thing, I was met with "Hmmm if you like that kind of thing" and "People who are pale look ill".  I thought I'd stand up for myself, as a pale person, but just kept getting shot down.  It was a fight I couldn't win.

What is the nation's fascination with being tanned?  We are not a hot and sunny country here in Blighty.  The hottest it gets is barely enough to give you a rosy cheek yet alone the sort of 'tan' I see walking around.  I understand that us girls have our issues and do things to make us feel better.  I get tattoos and express myself through clothes.  It's the 'fake' obsession the female population have adopted over the last decade that really gets me though.  The girls that slap on the make-up so thick you can hardly see their facial expressions are the worst.  I use eye lashes on occasion to enhance a look but I'd never use them on a daily basis - think of what all that glue does your delicate eye lids?

It's a shame that so many young women feel the need to look like everybody else in order to feel confident or beautiful.  It's all a stereotype, a mould that girls feel they should fit in to, to fit in.  But what is beauty?  In the eye of the beholder apparently and each person has their ideals.  I'm not going to write about how anyone who doesn't share my ideal is wrong, ugly or any other demeaning comment.  What I will write though is this...  If you don't like the way certain people look, please do not gang up on a public site and be a bitch.  It's not nice and it makes people feel bad about themselves.

7 Jan 2012

I have an addiction...

Doctor Martens boots!!  I've been scrolling through page after page this morning just looking and lusting after those air cushioned leather lovelies!  From the black patent pair that adorn my own feet to the beautifully decorated flock designs, and laser cut Gaultier pair in pristine white leather.... swoooon.

Much with the love of tattoos that begun when I started to pay attention to the adults around me at my Dad's fave biker pubs, the same amount of interest with those big clompy work boots started.  My Dad would wear the steel toecap versions for work and I would often be found stomping around the house in them as a small child, probably whilst wearing Nan's old lace petticoat as a wedding vale and carrying a teddy bear...  I knew what I wanted on my feet.

I remember when I was at school at around the age of 7, a girl in the year above me started wearing a black pair of DM's and sporting a shaved head.  It was the early 90's and a look I'd never seen on anyone under the age of 10!  I always remembered that girl and her cool look.

As a teen the pressure to conform was the main rule and trainers were the thing to wear.  Although I went through that phase, I was saved by a pair of white Kickers that I wore and wore until they caved in on my feet!  Actually, those white leather boots are the reason I've been hunting for a pair of white DM's now...

So many of my friends love Doctor Martens boots.  It seems that so many people all over the world are sporting a pair at the moment.  They are like a pair of jeans, always in fashion and go with everything.  I even stumbled across a wedding site telling brides to be that a pair of white boots are the comfy alternative to traditional wedding heels - now that's cool.  Of course there are some people out there who will only buy DM's because they are 'cool' in the eyes of celebs and hot lists.  I feel that if you're only going to buy a pair because they are currently the hottest thing to be seen in, then don't bother.  Doctor Martens are expensive and will last a lifetime if you look after them well.  When I see tweenagers wearing them coz some kid of X factor wore them, it makes me a little sad as I know those beautiful boots will be shoved to the back of the wardrobe never to see the light of day again in a months time.

Oh well, rant over!!  I will always be an avid lover and collector (when money is available that is) and will continue my affair with those comfy boots no matter what fashion dictates.  Promise!  These are my fave images from the world wide web <3

6 Jan 2012

Tattoos what I got on me...

I love tattoos!  Love love love!!!  I've wanted tattoos on my skin since the age of around 8 when I became aware of the permanent illustrations on the arms of the hairy bikers that rolled up to whatever pub my Dad had taken me to... on his bike I hasten to add.  I would wander around with Dad, sipping on a Coke while he chatted to his friends about bike parts and ride outs they were planning.  My eyes would dart from the colourful racing bikes to the shiny Harley Davidsons, whose riders rolled around all beer guts and beards and those smudged old tattoos that started my fascination with body art.

As I got older I had idea after idea for the tattoo I would get when I turned 18.  Of course they ranged from the stupid to the ridiculous from age to age, including Roger Rabbit to a devil...

When I was 18 I decided to go get my first tattoo - a collection of four stars between my shoulder blades.  Not the most interesting or artistic of designs I admit, but nevertheless it got me hooked.  I desperately wanted to get more and more work done but unfortunately due to a restrictive relationship, I wasn't allowed.  Then at the age of 22 and near to the end of that relationship, I broke free and decided to get the words 'Patience' and 'Great Happiness' tattooed in Thai on my wrists.  These marked the end of one part of my life and the beginning of another.  Shortly after, I applied to university, my Grandpa passed and I had a break down.  It was not a good time for me.

That summer, after I'd been accepted into university and realised life wasn't that bad, I designed, saved for and got the tattoo that really helped me change.  It was the hottest day of the year in 2008 and as I lay on the couch, my back sweating and my hands clammy, the artist got to work on my black and grey Art Nouveau vine on my left hip.  Ouch.  What kept me from getting too nervous was the sound of the woman in the next cubical whose screams of pain mimicked that of a hard core porn star!  Fits of giggles is not the best thing to have whilst being tattooed...

Later that year, after about a month at uni, I'd planned, designed and received an old school yellow rose on my right forearm.  This was then followed in the new year by a pink and red rose on my left forearm, mirroring each other as I felt imbalanced with just the one!!  I got so many positive comments on my roses that it spurred me on for more!

Student loans are wonderful things.  I used a fair bit of that money to fund my gypsy girl who resides on my upper right arm.  She is beautiful!  With big blue eyes, curly raven black hair and yellow roses (to match the one on my forearm) in her hair.  I wanted a gypsy girl to remind me not to settle for anything that makes me unhappy.  Thats about it though lol!  She has no deep and meaningful message.  I just wanted a pretty girly.  Oh and she has paintbrush earrings too!

The last tattoo I acquired was the line of text 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' from the Pink Floyd song, my favourite.  And because it is my favourite song, I wear it proudly across my bony chest from shoulder to shoulder.

Up next.....?  Oh I have far too many ideas and drawings, and ideas for drawings of tattoos for my future.  All I know is they are going to be pretty, colourful and EXPENSIVE!!!

5 Jan 2012

The body battle.

How much do you way?  Do you hide the scales in a bid to ignore the extra pounds you think you've put on this festive season?  Are you pleased for the extra inch your bum has gained?  Or do you not give a shit about at all?

I'm watching Thismorning on ITV and they have a 'Fat Fighters' section where they are planning to help some severely over weight people shed the pounds and feel happy.  Fair enough, that's the usual thing at this time of year.  But it got me thinking.  If a person who is addicted to food eats themselves to near death, why are they so often just told by their doctors to go jogging and lay off the fast food?  Would they tell a young woman who starves herself to look like the tiny size zero celebs and models, to just have a burger?  No, they would be forced into a specialist clinic where therapists and nutritionists work day and night to help get to the root cause of the issue.  So why is it that we do not treat the morbidly obese this way?  After all they are killing themselves too?

I suffer from disordered eating myself.  It all stems from my childhood - as many other disordered eating problems do.  I often hate the way I look, and have done on and off for many years but as I get older my opinion on my body changes.  I am one of those people though who denies myself a pair of scales in an attempt to keep away from the mental challenge I face of thinking "if I just loose those few pounds....".

So many young women like myself still suffer from these feelings of body shame, especially after seeing how much weight 'A celeb' has lost after eating biscuits and chips "Honestly it just fell off!".  Yeah and I can walk on water!!!  We forget that these celebs have an army of personal trainers, chefs and counsellors managing their weight loss every step of the way... oh and the wonder that is air brushing.

I try my hardest to ignore the little voice inside my head telling me off for having a pizza and sneaking the chocolate decorations off the tree while sipping on a nice cool beer.  It's hard though.  At times I want to hide away from the world in my joggers and a huge t-shirt.  Other times I'm out in town in a pair of hotpants and high heels baring all to the bar and loving it!  I hope that those who suffer from these feelings or weight problems both over and under weight, can find the help they need or at least manage to accept what they are and they do not need to look like Kate Moss.  I will try to keep my attitude positive, even though I still want to be taller and slimmer, I know in my heart that what I have is good enough and I should be proud of my body!

3 Jan 2012

Mussels in Brussels

Christmas present from my boyfriend - Ring from Gallibardy

Sitting infront of the fire.

Out drinking.

The Lion's Mound at Waterloo.

The Atomium.

YUMMY mussels1

The Manakkin Pis in Brussels.

So, I've been in Belgium for the last 2 weeks for Christmas and New Years Eve.  I have one week left before the move back to my parents in London...  This is what I've been up to while I've been here.

2 Jan 2012

A little bit of face

Showing off my leopard print eye make-up that I wore for NYE.  I like to prance about in front of the camera - my inner Agyness Deyn is dying to get out!!  Unfortunately I am not over 5'8" and a size 6 so catwalk modelling is out of the question... haha!!

Leopard print and attitude

Belgium, somewhere I never thought I'd be spending my time drinking over the holidays!  So when NYE came around I thought I'd make the effort to do something a little different and try out some leopard print make-up on my eyes... something I've not had the guts to do previously.  But I thought "hell, do something different!" my mantra for the new year me thinks.  As with the idea to start up this blog, my 'do something different' attitude is going to get me started on the new year and if possible, a new me... although I don't plan on changing completely!    I've been working my way through an attitude adjustment since I was a teen, and even as an adult, it still needs the odd tweak here and there.

The plan?  Firstly, I'm having to move back in with my parents after being away at uni for almost 4 years, something I was dreading and told myself I'd never do.  So instead of making a fuss and getting grumpy about my impending move I am going to look only at the positives - seeing old friends, not paying rent (yet), no bills, saving money, more wardrobe space... maybe.  With this new found attitude I should be able to cope with my parents nit-picking and strange household habits I'd grown out of.

I've also decided that after several years at uni in a place that considers any style/look other than 'private school chic' to be worth staring at with an eye of caution in the street, I'm going to let my London roots hang out for all to see!  Literally too as my hair is now in good need of a root touch up and re-colour!  I've always dressed to impress - myself! I don't dress to please others and I like the attention an outfit can create.  I'm going to up the ante now I'm moving back to the south east of Laaandaan.  No need to be a plain Jane in such an amazing capital.  Clash my prints, wear a cape... Let the chavs stare, let the old ladies cluck their tongues, let the guys in the pub look on with both bemusement and attraction while their girlfriends twiddle unbrushed hair extensions with jealousy.  Hello not giving a shit!  As a friend of mine says "Don't hate me because I'm pretty, hate me coz you're boyfriend thinks I'm pretty!"  haha maybe a bit much...

Along with the move, the style confidence and to help stay sane while I try to find a job that doesn't make me want to throttle my boss, I will paint.  I will paint and draw and photograph until my short little fingers are numb and cramped!! With my passion for art re-ignited, my home sorted and job prospects low, I'll see what I can sell of my artwork.  You never know, this blog and the photo's I share might land me some money and a career after all!

Oh Christmas tree!

I got a bit snap happy when the Christmas tree went up!  These are some of the better pics as my camera flash is buggered.... I dropped it.