13 Jan 2012

Freaky Friday 13th

It's Friday the Thirteenth.............. Woooooooooooooooo let's all be scared for our lives!

I don't understand the whole 'unlucky' thing about this day?  Well I mean, technically I understand the history of why people are scared of it, but I don't get why society is still getting freaky about this Friday.  After all, the plague is over, the 'gods' aren't getting angry and sending locusts and it's only peoples personal fears and superstitions that make them feel this day is more unlucky than all the others in the year.

When I was at school, the girls would get all in a fuss about what was going to happen to them and blame any little thing - from being late to a class to starting their period - on the fact that it was a Friday 13th.  Silly really as they'd got told off worse the day before and didn't blame that on anything other than the teacher being a bitch...

Personally I've always had more lucky experiences on Friday 13th than unlucky ones.  It's probably just me believing that, but what's wrong with wanting to believe your day will go with the good kind of bang instead of the bad?  Plus the number 13 has always been a lucky one for me rather than unlucky.  When I was eleven years old, I got chatted up in the local park by a boy who was thirteen and a dead ringer for Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys, swoon!).  I had my first kiss at thirteen.  I won some money on a scratch card one Friday 13th.  Not all big major events in my life on these 'unlucky' days but growing up I realised that this day was not all that bad.  Granted I have had better days that did not fall on a Friday 13th!

When I started getting into tattoo culture I learnt that the number 13 is held in high esteem and the most popular design for generations of tattoo collectors.  This is generally because tattoo enthusiasts are different from the 'norm', seeing the beauty and the good in things many do not including tattoos themselves which some see as multilation to the body instead of artwork.  The same that they embrace what others fear.  Heavily tattooed men are often percieved as being scary and hard, but I've met many who, after they've knocked you down in a mosh pit will stop everyone around them to pick you up and make sure your fags are rescued from the beer wet floor!  Most people in a club wouldn't do that even if they looked like they could be your mums best mate!  It's all about breaking down barriers and maybe being more optimistic about things that would usually make your knees wobble with fear... like a tattooed bald guy, a young lad in a hoody, a big dog, or just this date in the year.

Something to think about.  Today is just another day in the year... and here are the next ones!
  1. Friday, January 13th, 2012
  2. Friday, April 13th, 2012
  3. Friday, July 13th, 2012    
You make your own luck, now go be positive and have a great day!!

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