2 Jan 2012

Leopard print and attitude

Belgium, somewhere I never thought I'd be spending my time drinking over the holidays!  So when NYE came around I thought I'd make the effort to do something a little different and try out some leopard print make-up on my eyes... something I've not had the guts to do previously.  But I thought "hell, do something different!" my mantra for the new year me thinks.  As with the idea to start up this blog, my 'do something different' attitude is going to get me started on the new year and if possible, a new me... although I don't plan on changing completely!    I've been working my way through an attitude adjustment since I was a teen, and even as an adult, it still needs the odd tweak here and there.

The plan?  Firstly, I'm having to move back in with my parents after being away at uni for almost 4 years, something I was dreading and told myself I'd never do.  So instead of making a fuss and getting grumpy about my impending move I am going to look only at the positives - seeing old friends, not paying rent (yet), no bills, saving money, more wardrobe space... maybe.  With this new found attitude I should be able to cope with my parents nit-picking and strange household habits I'd grown out of.

I've also decided that after several years at uni in a place that considers any style/look other than 'private school chic' to be worth staring at with an eye of caution in the street, I'm going to let my London roots hang out for all to see!  Literally too as my hair is now in good need of a root touch up and re-colour!  I've always dressed to impress - myself! I don't dress to please others and I like the attention an outfit can create.  I'm going to up the ante now I'm moving back to the south east of Laaandaan.  No need to be a plain Jane in such an amazing capital.  Clash my prints, wear a cape... Let the chavs stare, let the old ladies cluck their tongues, let the guys in the pub look on with both bemusement and attraction while their girlfriends twiddle unbrushed hair extensions with jealousy.  Hello not giving a shit!  As a friend of mine says "Don't hate me because I'm pretty, hate me coz you're boyfriend thinks I'm pretty!"  haha maybe a bit much...

Along with the move, the style confidence and to help stay sane while I try to find a job that doesn't make me want to throttle my boss, I will paint.  I will paint and draw and photograph until my short little fingers are numb and cramped!! With my passion for art re-ignited, my home sorted and job prospects low, I'll see what I can sell of my artwork.  You never know, this blog and the photo's I share might land me some money and a career after all!

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