29 Jan 2012

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Well hello there lovlies!  It's been a while, I know.  Thing is, it's kinda hard to want to blog when you feel like it's all gone to shit.  But now it's onwards and upwards....

I have had a bit of a hard time recently, and hence my absence from this sea of blogging and chatting random bollocks to the void.

If you have been keeping up with this blog, you will know that I spent the holidays in Belgium and had a great time.  Alas things came to a head the day I stepped back into the family home to begin my residency as twentysomething daughter/lodger/bum.  I am jobless, depressed and broke.

To be honest though, even when I wake up feeling rough and looking like Casper the friendly ghost's paler sister, the moment I've washed and slicked on that lippy I'm about ready for the world.  Especially if I know I'm seeing my mates for a coffee and a catch up or a bottle of wine and a dance.  It's all about knowing that I'll be in good company and knowing that even at my worst my friends accept me.

I've had quite a bit of support from my friends back home in the area I grew up in.  There are those who never left, those who never will, and those who - like me - want to get out again as soon as possible and see the world (or at least a bit more of old Blighty!).  Over the last few weeks of January I have found these people and had some laughs and shared some tears.

There's that old school friend who now has a swanky job in a hair salon making all the cool kids look awesome, and who did me a favour by re-styling me last week.  A favour never goes un-returned I say.  And even though it was a samll thing for him to do, it was a big deal for me.  Not only do I now look moderatly cooler, but we had a catch up, a drink and remeniced along with another old friend from the same primary school.  All topped off by a monumental hangover the following morning...

A friend from college sorted me out with flat beers and a chinese take-out one night.  We chatted about all sorts of shit including Valentines day, photography and dating - mostly about him dating the entire young female population of Greater London.  We sat and watched crappy telly and bitched about it before trying a mix of whiskey, warm water and sugar... don't try it at home, it's rank.  This evening put me at ease and made me feel fat, which was exactly what I needed!!

My sister is also one of my closest friends.  On the day myself and my boyfriend (yes the one I went to Belgium with) dissolved our relationship, she bought me pizza and wine and we watched the Sex and the City movie on her sofa.  She's one of the only girls I'll comfortably hang out with like that.

Along with these people, there are the guys and girls who I've seen out and about who have made it all just a little easier to make that awkward transition from uni student to local girl again.  When I shyly told one of my cooler friends that I had to sign on the dole for jobseekers allowance, he told me not to be ashamed and that many people, including himself, had been on it too at some point and that it's ok to ask for help. 

So this blog entry is just to say thank you to the people mentioned, they will know who they are, and to those who have helped me.  Whether it was a hug to say hello or goodbye, giving me a cigarette, buying me a drink or paying for lunch, no favour goes un-returned, and I will make up for any short-commings I may be currently facing.  Shine on you crazy diamonds <3

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