15 Jan 2012

Man style

I was asked recently by a male friend of mine to do a post about mens fashion...  Now, I'm no mens fashion expert but I know the sort of thing I like to see a guy wear so that's what this post will be about! 

I know lots of blokes.  Infact most of my friends are blokes, ranging from the long haired and bearded guys, to the cool guys who wear tweed and those who have worn the same leather jacket/checked shirt combo since I've known them.  They all have their own style, it's not all just stuff they found on the floor that didn't smell.... some of my friends have real taste.

My favourite look on a guy has always centered around their confidence in what they wear and how they wear it.  A guy who has confidence to wear clothes that set him apart from all the others in a bar or on the street is the best.  There's nothing like watching a man swaggering down the street knowing he looks good in his jeans.

Foe me, it's all about standing out and that's the kind of style I like on a man too though I dont limit myself to only ever looking at guys who dress a certain way.  When I was younger it was all about whoever looked like they were in a boyband - preferably Backstreet Boys!  As I got older the look I noticed more and more was a trendy/untrendy mish mash, something that still catches my eye now.  A guy could walk past me wearing slim trousers, a patterned shirt with clashing tie, tweed suit jacket and a pair of loafers and, as long as he has that confidence, it works! 

Here's some looks I like:

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